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Help us bag some funding through Tesco Bags of Help initiative

We're very excited to have been accepted to be part of the Tesco Bags of Help initiative in 2019.

Tesco have teamed up with Groundwork to launch its community funding scheme, which sees grants of £4,000, £2,000 and £1,000 raised from carrier bag sales in Tesco stores which are then awarded to local community projects. Three groups in every Tesco region are shortlisted to receive the cash award.

Through January and February 2019 we will be represented in 3 Tesco stores: Dorking Tesco Express, Gatwick Tesco Extra and Horley Tesco Express, where you'll have the opportunity to cast your vote using a token given to you at the check-out. The programme with the highest number of tokens are the two months will come away with the highest prize amount.

Through this funding we aim to grow our Saturday Soccer School.

At the moment we run this every week for girls aged 6 -10, of all abilities and experience levels. We will be able to use this support to widen our ability to advertise, to purchase new kit and equipment for our players as well as to ensure we are using the highest standard of facilities throughout the season. With this we will be able to develop and widen our Soccer School, providing a safe space for players to learn new skills and make new friends whilst having fun playing football.

Tesco’s Bags of Help project has already delivered over £63 million to more than 20,000 projects across Britain. Tesco customers get the chance to vote for three different groups every time they shop. Every other month, when votes are collected, three groups in each of Tesco’s regions will be awarded funding.

Groundwork’s National Chief Executive, Graham Duxbury, said:

“Bags of Help continues to enable local communities up and down Britain to improve the local spaces and places that matter to them. The diversity of projects that are being funded shows that local communities have a passion to create something great in their area. We are pleased to be able to be a part of the journey and provide support and encouragement to help local communities thrive.”


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